Residents Round Up for Our Local Community
Posted on May 27, 2022
Our Beauty Point community spirit extends far beyond our wonderful village. Something so special about Beauty Point is just how big our residents' hearts are - they love to come together and do what they can when the community is in need.
Last month, residents Sue and Jan along with their army of volunteers joined forces to organise a garage sale at Beauty Point, with proceeds going to Biyani House.
Biyani House is a women's shelter in the local Revesby area that has just started up. It is part of the Women's Community Shelter Network, providing short term emergency accommodation and support in a safe environment that enables homeless women to rebuild self esteem and achieve control and fulfillment of their lives.
Vintage jewellery, clothing, bags, glassware, gorgeous food and of course, morning tea helped to raise over $3,000! We are so proud that our generous Beauty Pointers could make this happen, allowing us to contribute towards changing the lives of more women in need.
More recently, our own Pam Pitkeathly hosted her twenty-first Australia's Biggest Morning Tea in Beauty Point's cafe. Friendly neighbours helped out by bringing a plate, donating to the prize pool and selling raffle tickets in the lead-up. A perfect excuse to catch up with friends over some coffee and tea, not to mention all the delicious sweet treats, whilst supporting such an important cause. Pam managed to raise over $3,750 - far exceeding her goal of $1,000!